Adaptiv’Math is more than 8000 self-correcting exercises divided into the following 7 modules :
Module 1: Number Sense
Module 3.1 (CP) · 3.2 (CE1) · 3.3 (CE2): Solving arithmetic problems
Module 4.1 (CP) · 4.2 (CE1) · 4.3 (CE2): Solving problems: quantities and measurements
The mathematics modules are designed by the following researchers and laboratories:
Number Sense – Pr André Knops ( https://www.lapsyde.com/membres/andre-knops ) University of Paris
The concepts of proportion and fraction – Dr Laurianne Vagharchakian (Max Planck Institute, Berlin)
Number and Calculation, Literal Calculation, Sizes and measurements to consolidate the understanding of the notion of proportionality – Pr Emmanuel Sander ( https://www.unige.ch/fapse/idea/equipe/sander )
Data organization and management, functions – Space and Geometry – Dr Valeria Giardino ( http://www.institutnicod.org/membres/membres-statutaires/giardino-valeria/ ) ENS Institut Jean Nicod
Finding your way in space, Dr Roberto Casati, ENS, Institut Jean Nicod

Cognitive Sciences
Based on recent research in cognitive sciences, our innovative modules are adjusted to your content and complement your collections.

Artificial Intelligence
Interactive and engaging modules to focus attention on the discipline with personalized learning.

UX Interface
A time saving for the teacher thanks to dashboards which summarize and present useful information for the implementation of a differentiation strategy.

A digital companion for educational differentiation:
- Exercise courses constantly adapted to each student
- A transdisciplinary resource for working on fundamental mathematical concepts
- Dashboards that provide teachers with useful information about the entire class, groups of students with similar needs, and each individual student
And for you as a teacher?
– additional work on fundamental knowledge in mathematics
– time saving thanks to personalized self-correcting exercise courses
– easy identification of each person’s difficulties thanks to the indicators in the dashboard

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