EvidenceB 2022 workshops

EvidenceB 2022 workshops

The EvidenceB Workshops organized as part of the “Emerging technologies and collective wisdom” (TESaCo) program of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques. Find the highlights of the day Introduction by: – Daniel Andler, professor emeritus of...
EvidenceB is a finalist at BETT

EvidenceB is a finalist at BETT

In this context, the French start-up EvidenceB is the only company in the world to have been selected among the finalists of the two most important global competitions dedicated to EdTech. Evidence B has indeed been selected for the finals of the Bett Awards and the...
Webinar: AI and learning

Webinar: AI and learning

Accused of all evils or perceived as an El Dorado, artificial intelligence occupies a prominent place in the imagination of our societies. With regard to schools and the educational field, after a long period of infancy, particularly with regard to the development of...