Change of school year

Change of school year

My students from the 2023-2024 school year used Adaptiv’Langue last year (2022-2023). Was the students’ progress saved correctly? How can I recover it?

New dashboards in Adaptiv’Langue

New dashboards in Adaptiv’Langue

Adaptiv’Langue and Adaptiv’Langue Plus are evolving to improve your experience! Following your requests and the uses you share with us, we are offering you two new features.

Cognitive sciences in the service of mastering the French language

Cognitive sciences in the service of mastering the French language

The acquisition of “language skills” by students is always a challenge when they enter high school. French programs give them a fundamental place, and the results of the placement tests at the beginning of the second year confirm this: a large number of high school students encounter real difficulties in mastering their own language.

EvidenceB is a finalist at BETT

EvidenceB is a finalist at BETT

In this context, the French start-up EvidenceB is the only company in the world to have been selected among the finalists of the two most important global competitions dedicated to EdTech. Evidence B has indeed been selected for the finals of the Bett Awards and the GESA Awards on ‘Learning Differences’ which will be held during the show.

Webinar: AI and learning

Webinar: AI and learning

Accused of all evils or perceived as an El Dorado, artificial intelligence occupies a preponderant place in the imagination of our societies.