The EvidenceB Workshops organized as part of the “Emerging technologies and collective wisdom” (TESaCo) program of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques.

Find the highlights of the day

Introduction by:

Daniel Andler, professor emeritus of philosophy at Sorbonne University, founder of the Department of cognitive studies at the Ecole normale supérieure, member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and head of the TESaCo program.

Thierry de Vulpillières, CEO and co-founder of EvidenceB

Les Ateliers EvidenceB 2022


Workshops led by teachers or researchers:

– Is the intuitive approach to language a lever for learning grammar? by Catherine de Vulpillières, ENS, former Professor of Literature in CPGE khâgne, as well as member of the jury of the external aggregation of Modern Literature

– Can AI help understand where students are dropping out? Dashboard and pedagogical differentiation by Maria Pia Ciuffarella, Professor of Classics at the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Martino Filetico”, Ferentino (Frosinone, Italy) and Lydie Huet

– In adaptive software, how are students’ paths chosen? by Benjamin Clément, PhD in Artificial Intelligence

Les Ateliers EvidenceB 2022

Moments of exchange around educational practices with resources equipped with artificial intelligence

Les Ateliers EvidenceB